My favorite Blogs to follow


We are a family of the recession - A home that includes my inlaws, nephew, husband, & three beautiful children ages four and under. So, when I say we are always looking for deals, coupons, and giveaways, I am sooo not kidding! Please feel free to post any deal or coupon you may have!
I am always opened to new PR so contact me for information.
My mission is to help everyone else who is struggling in today's econonmy!
Celebrating Home is a wonderful way to get together with your friends and family and decorate your home for free! Their spectacular, quality products are a wonderful way to beautify your home. Want your products for FREE? Book a party and earn 20% free products, plus one 1/2 price item for every $100 in sales! Want to work from home? Join my team today for as low as $39!  I look forward to helping you realize your dreams, whatever they may be!  

3. Mommyhood By the Handful

As a domestic violence survivor, mother of children with special needs, overcomer of multiple chronic illnesses, mostly-natural mom of many, and former missionary/preacher's kid, I've been blessed with more:

More joy, more pain, more (or at least different) experiences than the average 20-something woman.

I've suffered through most every kind of trial and have overcome it all by the grace of God. Now I want to share my life with you. Will you walk with me?
To uplift those who have been blessed with "more" and to enlighten those who have not.

4.  What Mommy Wants

My name is Melissa. When I was 17 I had my first daughter, Amber. I was a teen mom... My boyfriend at the time is now my amazing husband.
All the things this mommy wants that you could want too! Blog written by a breastfeeding, cloth diapering, trying to be natural mom!!/pages/What-Mommy-Wants/180386462025318

5. CEO of Me, Inc.

C.E.O. of Me, Inc was created by Misty Kearns in 2011. Misty believes that everyone has unique personalities and God-given talents that should be used to honor God so we can make the most of the time, finances and possessions we have been given. CEO of Me, Inc. also desires to help other women in small businesses learn how to work smarter, not harder & be more successful. Misty created this blog as a way to share her journey & help others to also become a C.E.O. of Me, Inc.