Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cleaning Countdown!

I found this interesting article in Ready, Set, Grow Magazine at the Doctor's office it's called "Cleaning Countdown, 10 Ways to turn household chores into family fun" By Mary Ann Hudson, RN.

Very interesting read with all these kids in the house, and I am very guilty of some of these NOT TO DO things! i am constantly running around picking up after all of these kids, asking them to clean up and having to run behind them and do it myself.
Here is a brief summary of the major points of the article:

1. Ten minutes of teaching saves hours of correcting, nagging and failing
Never assume your kids know the best way to clean things up. Instead of generalized commands such as "pick up your room. "

2. Consider your child's perspective
Take a cue from classrooms and day cares: Classroom and daycare decor is simple, using cubbies, open baskets and boxes, with everything color-coded and accessible.

3. Work with your child's strengths and developmental level
Even grown-ups in the household divide chores according to interests and skill sets, and the same should hold true for children.

4. Accessibility encourages children without a single word
Is your home accessible to your children? In addition to creating a kid-friendly home, play, work, rest and clean-up spaces should be safe and obvious to kids.

5. Support your children's efforts with fun examples
The indoor months are perfect for visiting libraries and bookstores, and watching an occasional video.

6. Make time-management  fun and easy to understand
Sometimes chores need to be done efficiently so the family can move on to the next activity or chore.

7. Allow time for mastery
Kids need time and repetition to master new skills, which includes household chores.

8. Assign a chore buddy

Young children or those mastering a new chore will benefit from reinforcement from another adult or older child.

9. Use family times to reflect on household citizenship

Take some time during a family meal or fun activity to praise kids for helping out, get their feedback and discuss changes that can be beneficial.

10. Clean your own room!
Take a good, long look at your own bedroom. Is the hamper overflowing? The bed unmade? Is the closet a graveyard of hangers and tangled shoes? Kids internalize what they observe at home, and will little motivation to perform above and beyond their own caregivers.

Mary Ann Hudson, RN, is a lactation consultant

As I said I am guilty of alot of these , I get so frustrated with our 3 year old tornado, that I am constantly telling him to clean up his mess...but of course, being 3, he is easily distracted, and it never gets done correctly unless I am in there with him, and helping.

Also, age appropriate chores, r ability wise appropriate chores, I ave to really consider who is able to do what and do it correctly, Even thought my son is 14 years old, he is special needs, I can not expect him to do everything that the older kids do

Last but certainly not least, I am so busy through the day dealing with kids and trying to keep the main living areas at least presentable  that my room is always the last to get done, if I even bother doing it. the fact that it is off of our dining room also makes it difficult, because if we have some unexpected company, my quick clean up route always ends there, in MY bedroom. I will put stuff in there and shut the door and it may take me forever and a day to actually get that stuff out of there!!! So this really made me think about being hard on the kids about cleaning up their rooms etc.

I hope this is helpful!!!

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