Getting through Christmas with 7 kids to buy for was next to impossible this year. We pulled through but not without a whole lot of help from family, friends, and angels in disguise. The little one was upset that snow did not come with Christmas this year, but his eyes were aglow when he opened his share of gifts.
How did you manage this Christmas?
With Christmas a thing of the past, it is time to get on with the New Year. A New Year, a New Me! My resolutions?
- For starters, it is to manage money better. Being only a one income family has taken it's toll on our wallet, without a doubt. Saving money, and being more efficient is at the top of the list. Couponing will play a huge part of that. My ultimate goal is to establish a stock pile of the necessities...stock piling things like snacks and so forth, has proven to be next to impossible with so many kids. So things like laundry detergent, toilet paper, toiletries and such will help us in the long run. My goal is to feed my entire family for around $300 a month...That's $75 a week! I know it's wishful thinking, but it will be fun and rewarding to try and reach that goal.
- Losing weight, the all popular resolution every year, is another topper to the list. I am giving myself the time line of Big C's graduation to try to lose at least 20 lbs. Since we are saving money and cutting out the eating out portion of our expenses, this may be a little easier, this year.
- Cutting out the nasty, dirty habit of smoking, this will be my first official attempt at giving up the tobacco. I've smoked since I was 15 yrs old, so this may be the hardest thing yet, wish me luck! I only want to make sure that I am hear for my children for as long as possible, and hopefully for my grandchildren as well!
- Putting more time into my blog and home business. I have gotten away from the writing that I wanted to do because of all of the hoopla that has been going on around here, Putting more time into my Celebrating Home business will not only give me a little adult time, but it will also bring in a little extra money to help with the budget issues.
- Spending more quality time with my children; As you can imagine, having seven kids with seven different personalities and issues, giving each child 100% of what they need as far as time is concerned is next to impossible. Coordinating that with both of us being able to spend some one on one time will take some major work on our part, but I'm sure we can do it.
- Figuring out a way to be gainfully employed from my home. This has been a big thing for me for years. When my children were little, I was gone alot, being a single parent I worked two to three jobs. I want to be here for all of them now, able to attend school functions...although a few are still young, I have a few that are ready to leave the nest in the next few years, and I don't want to miss a thing!
Those are a few of the resolutions that I have for 2012, share your resolutions or your ideas on how to help me keep to mine!!!
Until Next Time,
My Mixed Up Family of 9