As I get into the swing of blogging, I have been checking out a few other bloggers and "borrowing" ideas, checking out "freebies" so that I can share with you. I don't know about you but I click on some of these, and they want me to answer questions about 20 other companies...yes, no, yes, no, yes, no....ummm no. I close out the page after about 4 or 5 of these popping back up. I do not have 3 hours to answer all of these questions, no matter how ''great" the freebie is. So sorry, I will not be sharing those with you. You are welcome in advance!
My SO has been off for 3 days so far this week, (he works 4 days on and 4 days off) and just as I suspected...he hasn't helped with much of anything. He started this new job about a month ago, and before this he worked 6 days a week for 10+ hours a day, and for half the money. So I was able to forgive his Sunday lazing...I gave him the benefit of the doubt for the first month, because I too have an issue with the "day off" mentality. The problem here, is that when he is in "laze" mode...it is at times contagious, or it just utterly makes me angry so I feign a "strike"...either way it is making me be lazy. Now don't get me wrong, he isn't at all times a couch potato, just a little more than I would like.
I personally do not enjoy hours upon hours of the History Channel, or International News, and all of the other things that go along with having men in your household...Football, I can handle...The History Channel, not so much. He does fit in mowing the grass in between these hours of TV surfing (although with five teenagers, this is something he could easily pass off to them), and if I have a scheduling conflict that sometimes requires me to be in up to 3 different places at once, he will drive a kid to where they need to be. But let's be honest...it's been a month, it is time to light a fire under the BOOTY!!!
What tactics would you use? Your ideas are welcome, although I would like to avoid fire, guns, maiming, or any tactics that would expose the crazy, psycho side of myself...Or do you think I am wrong in that line of thinking? I mean granted, he is now the sole bread winner of the family, and I am the SAHM, so does that mean, he should be allotted the privilege of totally relaxing on all 4 of his days off? I'm new to this, so help me out. Are there any other SAHM's that deal with this type of situation as well?
Until Next Time,
My Mixed up Family of 9